Short Name: AEIDL
Country: Belgium

European Association for Innovation in Local Development

AEIDL, the European Association for Innovation in Local Development, was founded in 1988 by like-minded individuals who believed that European integration could make a positive contribution to the sustainable development of local communities.

AEIDL’s expertise

AEIDL has been an active stakeholder in developing EU policies to promote innovative, sustainable local development. We identify local initiatives, promote communication and exchange at European level, identify good practices, strengthen local capacities, empower local actors, exploit, and disseminate knowledge, and evaluate results.

AEIDL Projects: 

We currently lead on the policy recommendations and advocacy in 10 Horizon projects on Rural and Territorial Development. AEIDL also runs the EU Rural Pact Support Office and other services for the European Commission.

Partner’s role in the project

As Leader of WP6 Synergies, Policies and Governance, AEIDL is responsible for the formulation of policy conclusions and recommendations of the RURBANIVE project by participatory and co-creative methods in synchronized way with the EU policy agenda forward looking towards the preparation of the post 2027 programming period. Through WP6 AEIDL is engaged in:

– Mapping and analysis of relevant policies at EU level. Identify the key instruments.

– Supporting and organizing mutual learning and capacity building at the EU level for future-proofed policy action. Organising multi-actor workshops, to facilitate knowledge transfer and exploitation through co-ceation of activities.

– To co-create future-proofed EU policy recommendations to ensure improved connections, strategies and governance arrangements for synergetic development and just transition rural and urban areas and to create EU policy recommendations for more integrated territorial policies and strategies.