rural / urban

Co-creation Labs

Seven Rural-Urban Co-creation Labs of diverse geographic and socio-cultural contexts will be outfitted with social and technological innovations. These innovations will support further visualization, realization, and experimentation and help highlight the social connectivity and innovation aspect of RURBANIVE. Insights from Social Sciences and Humanities in general will be brought into the fold, in an inclusive and accessible setup.

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30 St Kilda Road, Jackson
Store, Australia

+92 (8800) 48720
Mon - Sat: 8 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: CLOSED
RUral-uRBAN synergies emerged
in an immersIVE innovation ecosystem
Project Coordinator

Dr. Angelos Amditis

Communication Manager

Mr. George Papapostolou


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Funded by the European UnionViews and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.