Short Name:BioBASE


BioBASE is the Austrian innovation hub for circular bioeconomy. The platform connects players from science and industry and informs both policymakers and the public about bioeconomy & circular economy.

We consider the entire value chain from the provision of raw materials to the various conversion routes (chemical, biotechnological, thermal) to basic materials and their processing to the end product, including the shaping processes and recycling options at the end of the life cycle. An essential aspect here is the focus on regional and sustainable provision of raw materials as well as the use of residual materials from production and consumption, with which the processors become biorefineries and centers of regional recycling management.

Partner’s role in the project

Together with our Austrian partner organization Alchemia Nova, we aim to enable circular bioeconomy processes by capturing the flow of resources being disposed by populated areas and establishing a catalog of conversion solutions to match them. Through digital means and content, local stakeholders will not only share their perspectives, but also be trained to establish suitable conversion processes and establish the exchange of resources between cities and surrounding rural areas.

Through the WP2 & WP3 BioBASE is engaged in:

  • connecting key stakeholders through the BioBASE compass
  • enabling a circular ecosystem of both urban and rural key actors for improving rural-urban synergies (Vienna and the surrounding area of lower Austria);
  • assessing the stream of different resources and making them visible to involved industrial players and policymakers;
  • developing innovation pathways by improving the logistics & shortening value chains;
  • unlocking business opportunities and markets for smart circular solutions;
  • creating empowerment & awareness on circular bioeconomy to the general public